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How to survive Valentine’s Day

By 31st January 2018News

Whether you’re loved-up or facing it alone, there’s no escaping it – it’s on its way…

Love it or loathe it, we suddenly find ourselves surrounded by a myriad of heart-shaped chocolates, pink teddy bears and single red roses. This day of romance may conjure up images of cupid and his bow for some but, for the more independent among us dread the feeling it can bring – that’s where we swoop in to help.

After all, we do always say there’s no problem that can’t be solved with chocolate. Here are some top tips on not only just making it through Valentine’s Day with your sanity intact, but also on how to turn that dread into maximum joy.

Don’t feel pressured

Your Facebook feed may be swarming with soppy posts and candlelit dinners but don’t feel pressured to follow suit. Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to bring out your inner Patrick Swayze – you can celebrate it as you wish. Perhaps you and your partner love a takeaway, a picnic in the car, hell, even a supermarket meal deal for two will do! You don’t need to splash the cash just because others are; the important thing is you’re spending it how you wish (plus an Instagram filter can make even the dullest of sandwiches look tempting!)

Celebrate with friends and family

So what if you don’t have someone dangling off your arm? We’re sure you have lots of other people who are just as special in your life! Don’t let Valentine’s Day get you down if you’re currently living the single life; instead, embrace it with open arms and think of all the other reasons you have to celebrate. Head to your parents and cook them dinner, invite your other singleton friends over for chick-flicks and chocolate, or simply wine, dine and pamper your pooch!

Take advantage of the treats

Valentine’s Day may not make you go all gooey inside but that doesn’t mean you can’t indulge in all the fun bits. This wonderfully romantic day is all about spoiling the one you love, so whether that’s your partner, your friends, or yourself; it’s time to go all out! We all know dark chocolate is ‘healthy’ so that’s a no-brainer, melting chocolate to create a dreamy fondue complete with marshmallows and strawberries is great if you’re sharing, or give the gift of something exciting such as a novelty chocolate pasty or a funky flavoured cream tea slab.

It’s all about you

Your happiness is the most important thing, so you deserve to make it all about you. Whether it’s ordering in your favourite pizza, buying yourself a bunch of flowers, stocking up on your favourite ice cream or binge-watching that series you’ve been meaning to get to on Netflix, take some time out and treat yourself – you may even end up looking forward to the big V-Day next time around!

Make someone else’s day

We sometimes forget to stop and think about the people around us in our busy, jam-packed lives. Giving a little something back and making someone else smile can do wonders for your own mood and knowing you’ve perked up someone else’s day can make yours seem instantly better. Buy a coffee for a friend, smile to passers-by, leave a surprise treat in your co-worker’s drawer – little things add up and will be sure to get you out of your Valentine’s slump!

How are you ‘surviving’ this Valentine’s Day? Let us know in the comments!