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Fail proof excuses for when you really want chocolate

By 9th April 2018News

We’ve all been there. That look and arched eyebrow a friend throws at you when you reach for a chocolate bar five minutes after you’ve just been moaning that you feel out of shape.

You can’t help it – sometimes you just need a little pick me up and only chocolate will do the trick. Here are some top excuses you can dish out for when you really want chocolate. Trust us, they work every time…

1. Chocolate is made from cocoa, cocoa comes from trees and trees are plants. Ergo, chocolate is basically salad.

2. Dark chocolate is actually good for you. It’s a fact. Dark chocolate has been proven to slow the effect of ageing, reduce stress, prevent heart disease and even fight tooth decay. Real life scientists have said so – and who are we to argue with science? Quick, pass us a bar!

3. The weirdest thing keeps happening to me. Every time I go to the kitchen to get an apple, I open the cupboard door and a piece of chocolate falls into my mouth. Strange, huh?

4. I’ve got low blood sugar levels, so eating chocolate is practically a direct order from my doctor to keep them balanced.

5. I’m on the 12-step chocoholic programme. There’s only one rule: never be more than 12 steps away from chocolate at any one time.

6. Calories don’t exist on the weekend, when it’s your birthday, at bar mitzvahs, your nan’s 80th birthday or any other special occasions for that matter…

What’s your go-to excuse? Let us know in the comments! And just in case you need to top up your chocolate stock, click here. We’ll send it straight to your door!